Lars Eberle

Lars is founder and director of less rain. He holds a master degree in interactive media from Middlesex University, London and a diploma in communication design from the FH Düsseldorf. Lars is a member of the German Art Director’s Club (ADC).


After winning a D&AD award for his first ever website in 1997 and being invited to the New Talent pavilion in Cannes, he was chosen to represent “digital media” in London´s “Creative Futures” exhibition by top design magazine Creative Review, alongside with Chris Cunningham in the categories film and illustration. Milestone projects include the BAFTA awarded “Eyes Only” UFO spotting application, and prototyping a news aggregator app together with Samsung in South Korea. His international experience include leading the company for 10 years in London, 4 years in Tokyo and 19 years in Berlin.

bbq book2
bbq book2
Lars eberle schuerze
craftbeer book2
craftbeer book2

lears eberle cooking
lars eberle oysters
lears eberle cooking2
lears eberle cooking3
Lars Eberle pantone 1456
Lars Eberle pantone 115

Lars is somehow a little obsessed with decaying military structures. Shown here a series of german WW2 bunkers from the book ” The last stand”  by Marc Wilson

The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand
The last stand

lars eberle tokyo

Lars spends one month per year in Japan indulging in japanese fashion, interior desigm products and food. He occasionally posts about his Japan research on the less rain blog.

japan 0004 Layer 2
love japan
japan 0005 Layer 1
japan 0002 Layer 4
japan 0001 Layer 5
love japan
love japan
love japan
japan 0003 Layer 3

love salmon

love sushi

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